to set a different font resource at the pinyin preview you can set at the property 'font' inside PinyinInput::CharacterPreviewClass your font ressource. Make sure that it does not get overwritten anymore by the texteditor font by removing:
font = context.Font;
from PinyinInput::CharacterPreviewClass.onEvent.
You can change the layout of the pinyin preview inside the composer of PinyinInput::CharacterPreviewPinyinAndKeyboardClass. Some bounds might be aligned programmatically so please also have a look at the functions there especially UpdateViewState(). The property 'InputPreviewOffset' inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::Keyboard controls on which height the pinyin preview gets displayed.
One warning about adding a lot more font resources that also contains huge font ranges like those chinese character. Those can need a lot of flash memory. If this resource is limit on your target hardware, its always a good idea to check the build report and check whether the gui can fit into the flash of your target.
Best regards,