in System Integration by
Hi EW team,

I would like to place the generated stack code into specific memory location. There are macros to place the FONT and BITMAP in specific memory location, but could not locate any macros for the generated code.

 I am looking for a macro in generated code which I can use in the linker file to place the code in specific area. Kindly suggest.

1 Answer

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there is no macro to put the entire generated code into a dedicated linker section. In case of fonts, bitmaps and strings such macros exist in order to separate the constant data in an other linker section.

For your own linker instructions, you can use the Inline code member to place your macros into the generated code.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

Thanks for your feedback.

This means we can place some of the code in specific memory location using in inline in the tool.

But can NOT place all generated code in the specific memory location, example Core.c file.

Thanks for your time.

Hello Karthikeyan,

yes, all units of the Mosaic framework are protected for modifications. There you cannot add the inline code member.

Can you explain why you want to separate the GUI code from other code? Maybe you can locate a set of C files into a dedicated section directly within your compiler toolchain (e.g. IAR, Keil ARM-MDK).
Additional question: What about the code of the Graphics Engine and the Runtime Environment (which is provided as source or libraries)? Is it planned to put this code also into the specific area?

Hello Manfred,

The reason is, there are two software subsystems in our imxrt, so we would like to place them in different memory locations.

the compiler we use is Green hills, will check if it does support in placing the C files in specific location (please suggest if you know the option already). Thanks.


Karthikeyan S
Hello Karthikeyan,

thanks for the additional information. In this case, you want to group all Embedded Wizard GUI code into a dedicated section (means, the generated code and the Platform Package code).

So far I do not know an option within GreenHills - maybe via a subproject. Let me recommend to ask that at GreenHills support.

Best regards,

Hello Manfred,

Thanks for the direction. I will update you on the progress in the GreeHills front in any.



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