Hello ke007,
see the example project. It implement another approach using just one list. The trick necessary here:
1. When the user scrolls the list, all items are forced to be reloaded. Usually the list caches items and reloads only the new exposed items.
2. In the OnLoadItem slot method, the implementation estimates the position of the item within the area of the list. The item in the center will become a dark color and bold font. Items lying above/below will become normal font and other color. See the inline comments inside the OnLoadItem slot method. This is the essential part of the modification:

Please note, in this example the items are simple Text-Views. In your application you can also use other views and e.g. configure their colors depending on the position within the list. More sophisticated: actually the colors are selected using a simple if-else condition. You could however calculate from the distance between the item and the center of the list a factor to modulate the opacity of the item. In this manner the items are slightly faded-out.
Please note, the example has been created with EW v11 for compatibility with older version.
I hope it helps you further.
best regards
Paul Banach