in Embedded Wizard Studio by
I want to transfer a touch grab cycle to a new page, how to achieve this funtion ?

I want achieve this function:  two finger slide on BasicPanel, DoubleFingerSlidePanel immediately be present, the list continue smooth move

when 1 finger touch/slide at BasicPanel, the BasicPanel button is work normally.

if 2 finger touch/slide at BasicPanel, we need present the DoubleFingerSlidePanel. At DoubleFingerSlidePanel 2 finger slide use to control a list move.

1 Answer

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Dear ke007,

please see our conversation in thread grab cycle and touch influence with another touch. Note the following step:

Step 4: The Simple Touch Handler in Basic component has to be configured with the property RetargetCondition=Core::RetargetReason[WipeDown, WipeLeft, WipeRight, WipeUp].

and the additional description to this step:

The step 4 relays the actual 2-finger gesture to the DoubleFinger component. The user can continue scrolling the list.

Have you testet the example project I have prepared for you in the referenced thread? It demonstrates exact what you are asking for.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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