in Platform Packages by
I am trying to migrate my V11 project to recently bought V13, but when building in MCUExpresso i get the error, "..ewextrte.c:76:10: fatal error: ew_bsp_os.h: No such file or directory 76 | #include "ew_bsp_os.h".

it seems to be a new file compared with V11, and I'm not able to locate it. The project is a NXP iMX_RT project.

1 Answer

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it seems that you did not update the content of the folder /TargetSpecific.

Please compare the content of the Build Environment for your target of version 11 with the new one (version 13) and migrate your changes. Especially the content of /Application/Source and /TargetSpecific. The Platform Package source code should be used from version 13 without any modifications from your side.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,


Seems to  be better, but still issues, getting type error "XDisplayInfo"

ew_bsp_touch.h:98:3: error: unknown type name 'XDisplayInfo'

This is defined in ew_bsp_display.h - please include this file before ew_bsp_touch.h.

The provided Build Environment should help and serve as template.

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