in Embedded Wizard Studio by


I'm developing with STM32H7 dev kit.
And have a property:

But code stucks somewhere randomly. 
I was able to track with debuging all the way to EwNotifyRefObservers after which debugging is not possible any more.

void ApplicationDeviceClass_UpdateUserScannedGui( ApplicationDeviceClass _this,  XInt32 aNewValue )
  if ( aNewValue != _this->userScannedGui )
    _this->userScannedGui = aNewValue;
    EwNotifyRefObservers( EwNewRef( _this, ApplicationDeviceClass_OnGetuserScannedGui, 
      ApplicationDeviceClass_OnSetuserScannedGui ), 0 );

Is there any hint what I'm doing wrong and why after call of ApplicationDeviceClass_UpdateUserScannedGui related onSet method is not executed and code stuck.

A bit more useful code:

static void addUserProc(const void* aData)
    int userScannedtemp = *((int*)aData);

    ApplicationDeviceClass device = EwGetAutoObject( &ApplicationDevice, ApplicationDeviceClass );
    ApplicationDeviceClass__UpdateUserScannedGui( device , userScannedtemp);
void addUser(uint8_t *rxBuffer)
    memcpy(userNameString, rxBuffer, RXBUFFERSIZE);
    userScanned = USER_PRESENT;
    brArtikala = 0; 
    EwInvoke( addUserProc, &userScanned);


addUser is called from ISR callback.

Best regards,

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello again,

So...I figured out that I need to call it, the onset method. I thought that EwNotifyRefObservers( will cause all related methods to be triggered. However seems it is not the case.
Is this true?

Best regards,

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