in Platform Packages by

Hello, I have this hardware: 


and i am not able to make examples to test your framework.


I try all enviroment you provide for linux rpi4 rpi4 cm none works.

1 Answer

0 votes

what do you mean with "none works". Do you get any error message that could help to find the root cause? I cannot read the content of the image - please copy the relevant error message as text.

I assume your hardware is based on the Raspberry Pi. Did you try our software packages with the official Raspberry Pi Hardware + Display? This helps to get started before trying to make own adaptations to an own hardware.

Best regards,

Creating EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
Compiler Options: cc -c -pipe -MT projectecho -MMD -MP -MF projectecho.d -O2 -Wall -DEW_USE_OPERATING_SYSTEM=1 -DEW_USE_EGL=1 -I../Source -I../GeneratedCode -I../../PlatformPackage/RTE -I../../PlatformPackage/RGBA8888 -I../../TargetSpecific -I/usr/include -I/usr/include
/drm -I/usr/include/libdrm -o projectecho
Creating object and library directories
Compiling ../Source/main.c
Compiling ../Source/ewmain.c
Compiling ../Source/gfx_system_drm.c
Compiling ../Source/DeviceDriver.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Core.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Effects.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Graphics.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Resources.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Views.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Application.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Dashboard.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/WidgetSet.c
Compiling ../GeneratedCode/Templates.c
Compiling ../../PlatformPackage/RTE/ewextrte.c
Compiling ../../TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_display.c
Compiling ../../TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_touch.c
Compiling ../../TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_console.c
Compiling ../../TargetSpecific/ew_bsp_os.c
Linking EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
cc ./obj/main.o ./obj/ewmain.o ./obj/gfx_system_drm.o ./obj/DeviceDriver.o ./obj/Core.o ./obj/Effects.o ./obj/Graphics.o ./obj/Resources.o ./obj/Views.o ./obj/Application.o ./obj/Dashboard.o ./obj/WidgetSet.o ./obj/Templates.o ./obj/ewextrte.o ./obj/ew_bsp_display.o ./o
bj/ew_bsp_touch.o ./obj/ew_bsp_console.o ./obj/ew_bsp_os.o -L../../PlatformPackage/RTE -L../../PlatformPackage/RGBA8888 -lm -lpthread -lGLESv2 -lEGL -ldrm -lgbm -lewgfx -lewrte -o ./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ../../PlatformPackage/RGBA8888/libewgfx.a when searching for -lewgfx
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lewgfx
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ../../PlatformPackage/RTE/libewrte.a when searching for -lewrte
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lewrte
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:136: EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4] Error 1


error massage from compilation, i do not have official rpi hardware + display, I do not tested

Please make sure to use Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) Bookworm as mentioned in our Getting Started with Raspberry Pi CM4. I assume you are using the 64bit version.

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