in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Hi Team,

We are having three different screens,

Screen1 is having a timer and triggering a slot inside that screen itself. I am using switch to dialog from screen1 to traverse to screen2.

While I am in screen2, expectation is that screen1 will be destroyed, so associated objects in screen1 like timer also should be destroyed.

But timer in screen1 is triggering the slot in screen1, when my current screen is screen2.

May I know why this is happening ? Also if this is the right case, at what way I can destroy all the objects associated with screen1 after traversing to screen2 ?


Thanks in advance,

Meenakshi Sundaram S R.

1 Answer

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without knowing your implementation it is difficult to deduce what is the cause. Maybe Screen 2 is nested inside Screen 1 so both continue existing. Ensure to invoke SwitchToDialog() in context of the same component. Usually in context of the root object. Or in context of the owner of the current screen, e.g. Owner.SwitchToDialog( screen2, ... ).

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

We are already using switch to dialog in context of the root object only. Is there any possibility to ensure that current screen objects are destructed, while using switch to dialog and going to next screen.

Thank you,
Meenakshi Sundaram S R.
If the objects are not in use they are released automatically during the next garbage collection.

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