in System Integration by

I have to display the current time in my application. The time is set by an external clock via serial port using EwBspSetTime().

For displaying I'm using Core::Time time = Time.CurrentTime;

The displayed time in the GUI application runs much slower than the real time. In one minute more than 10 seconds are lost.

1 Answer

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the function EwBspSetTime() is not part of the Build Environment - so I assume you have implemented that function.

If you are using the RTC of your hardware, please check the clock settings / clock sources for the RTC.

For that purpose, let me refer to the following application notes:

AN3371 - Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) in STM32 F0, F2, F3, F4 and L1 series of MCUs

AN4759 - Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) in low-power modes with STM32 microcontrollers

Both documents describes the RTC configuration.

Hope this helps...

Best regards,



Since I receive the time from external sources, I do not really need the RTC.

Does EW or FreeRTOS require to use the RTC?
There is no requirement for Embedded Wizard (Runtime Environment or Graphics Engine or the GUI application itself) to have access to RTC.

If your UI application is using Core::Time in order to query the current time, then EwGetTime() is called (which calls EwBspGetTime()). Here you can returnt the time from any time source of your choice.

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