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Can someone help me with more clock examples for Embedded Wizard 12? I need one but I don't know how to make it.


1 Answer

+1 vote


please have a look to the examples that are installed with Embedded Wizard Studio - there you will find several examples:



and a set of analog watches in the example "Watches":

I hope these examples helps to implement your own clock...

Best regards,

Solved. Thank you.

When I am running the Prototyper the clock is correct, but on my board STM32F746 is other hour:minute. Can you tell me how to fix this?
Within the Build Environment for the STM32F746 target you will find the example BezierClock - so this example is already prepared for the screen size of the target.

Concerning the other hour:minute that should be "fixed": Please note, that on a Windows PC the current time is provided by the operating system. In case of an embedded system the initial time of the realtime clock (RTC) is undefined (or at least not the current time) - this has to be initialized by the actual time. You will find the RTC initialization within the file ewmain.c.

Best regards,
Ok, I understand.


Thank you Sir!

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