in Getting started by
Good Afternoon. Thanks for accepting me in the community. My question regards STM32L4R9I-DISCO board and Embedded Wizard.

a)Is it possible to integrate STMCubeMX, Ac6 and Embedded Wizard?

b)In details, which are the steps and requirements after the UI development with Embedded Wizard and the code generation?

c)Do I need gcc-arm-none-eabi or a different package?

Thanks in advance for the answer and support.

1 Answer

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You can, of course, integrate an Embedded Wizard generated GUI application with your CubeMX generated sources. However, we have no ready-to-use environment that relies on CubeMX. All of our so-called Build Environments for STM32 devices rely on the pure CubeFW (which is by the way also used by the CubeMX generator) SDK. That means that if you want to use the CubeMX generated environment you would need to manually integrate the Embedded Wizard part into that. Therefore please have a look at our provided main.c (which is the entry point) and all related target specific modules (which are located within the folder 'target specific' ). Those need to be modified by those from the CubeMX output. Furthermore please keep in mind to take care the compiler and linker settings which we provide within our toolchain settings and makefiles (e.g. libraries, defines, etc.). Furthermore, the linker-script is also something that should be synchronized (e.g. to take the stack size into account, etc.).

As of now, we have no plans to support Ac6. however, with the new release of Embedded wizard 9.0 we will add support for ST's Atollic TrueStudio. This release will be available within the next 2 weeks. So would it be possible for you to wait for that release?

In fact you need a proper target compiler like the GCC, KEIL or IAR as Embedded Wizard will only generate pure C source files which need to be compiled and linked with a proper target compiler like the one mentioned.

If you need any further information or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get back to me.

Best regards on behalf of the Embedded Wizard team,
Hi Manuel,
Thanks a lot for your precise answer.
I will try to manage the situation according to you proposal.
For the version 9.0: it is a great news.
What's the main difference with the older version?
Does it has also a free license for prototype-evaluation?

Thanks a lot for your help and explanation,


Hi Davide,

The main new features are the support of vector graphics, easy screen transitions and easy-to-customize widgets. The full release notes can be found at our knowledge base. And yes, the licenses will not change - hence there will also be a Free Edition available.


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