in GUI Development by
My application is starting with a start screen, which is the background image of the application.

After I have received sufficient data I switch to another background and display header, footer and some elelments in the middle of the screen. Some of these elements are displayed in the same method, some of them in slots, which are started by idlesignal.

The effect is, that the elements appear on the display on after the other, which makes the display flicker. Is there a way to display all the elements together?

If the elements once have been displayed, the flickering does not appear any more.

1 Answer

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if you show some of the items by using idlesignal, then you define explicitely, that the item will show after the next update of the UI. If you want show the item together with other items, you should use signal or postsignal.

Does this solve the problem? I assume that it is more a build up effect instead of a real display flickering - or is this the case?

Best regards,


I tried idlesignal and signal. It seems to be slightly better.

But the first thing I do in the code, is making the initial background invisible. After that I make a new background visible, then header, footer and other things.

Still the last thing, which happens, is that the initial background disappears.

If you make the 'old' background invisible and the 'new' background visible in the same step, there is no intermediate state shown.

Btw: The new version 9.00 of Embedded Wizard contains a powerful infrastructure that simplifies the screen management.

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