in System Integration by
I have developed an Embedded Wizard project containing the multi language strings. I used the excel sheet "Strings.h" given the example project "StringTable" to generate the multi language strings for my project.
The Embedded Wizard project is generating the files after building without any error.
I linked the generated files from Embedded Wizard project to a project in visual studio (.sln). After building the the visual studio project I am getting this error "Unresolved External Symbol" for all the multi language strings that I have generated.
I think the library "ewrte.lib" is not getting linked to the visual studio project. Please help me in resolving the issue.
Thank you.

1 Answer

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if the "Unresolved External Symbols" are referring to your strings, then it seems that the C file (that contains the strings - e.g. strings.c) is not a member of your Visual Studio project.

Can you ensure / verify that all generated C files are part of your project?

The library ewrte.lib is automatically linked to your project when you add the file ewrte.c.

By the way: Within the provided examples (e.g. Documents\Embedded Wizard 9.00\Examples\StringTable) you will find a ready-to-use Visual Studio project. Does this work?

Best regards,


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