in Platform Packages by
I have the STM32f769 Disco board working, but we are now trying to get our own LCD to work. So we are still using the STM32f769 disco board but with a different pannel that does not have GRAM, so i need to change the Template to work in Video mode.

i see in EwBspConfigDisplay that the LTDC gets config via HAL_DSI_ConfigCommand(&hdsi_handle, &LPCmd); and there is HAL_DSI_ConfigVideoMode in the stm32f7xxHal_DSI  driver, but what do i need to do to adapt the Template to run in Video mode?

I have made sure the pannel functions using  STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.12.0\Projects\STM32F769I-Discovery\Examples\LCD_DSI\LCD_DSI_VideoMode_DoubleBuffering after changing the panel config  - OTM8009A to the new pannel.

But we will want to develop using Embeded wizard and IAR template for the stm32f769 Disco board. so that we can just build from EW and update the IAR enviourment.

1 Answer

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integrating a new display - especially changing the entire protocol between MCU and display is something that cannot be answered easily - especially without having the datasheet and the modified board on the table...

Nevertheless, some general words: The entire display adaptation is implemented within the file ew_bsp_display.c that you will find within the folder /TargetSpecific. The implementation within ew_bsp_display.c is completely based on different ST examples that you will find within the STM32Cube F7 firmware \Projects\STM32F769I-Discovery\Examples\LCD_DSI\LCD_DSI_CmdMode_xxx. In your case, you have to adapt the file ew_bsp_display.c, by removing the code for driving the DSI in command mode and inserting the code for using video mode.

Hope this helps a little bit...

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