in GUI Development by
It works fine as an animated bitmap in the prototype, but only displays the first image on the i.MXRT1062 EVK board.  I then attempted to use a timer to increment the frame number, and that does nothing as well.

1 Answer

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can you try one of the provided examples which contain some timer driven animations (e.g. ScreenOrientation). Does this work?

Are you using a modified main loop within your application? Maybe the processing of signals and timers is not called.

Best regards,


I think I have found the problem.  The SysTick_Handler is setup for the Micrium-III OS, and not triggering In the EW.  Any suggestions?  (I loaded the Osilliscope example and had no animation or timer increments).
Got it!  I overrode the EW_GetTicks with a define pointing to the OSGetTime().  Worked like a charm.
Great! Yes, in case that you have changed the operating system, the timer tick has to be adpated. This tick (1 ms resolution) is used for all animations and timer driven actions.

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