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I'd like to change the color of my background every time a user clicks on a button. I was thinking about incrementing an int variable and then creating a new "color string" from this variable.

However, I haven't found any way to convert a string to a color type?!


1 Answer

0 votes


maybe it is a little bit complexified if you convert an integer into a string and then convert the string into a color.

Let the integer represent the currently selected color number and then just assign the background color according to the currently selected color number:

if ( ColorNumber == 0 )
  Rectangle.Color = #000000FF; // black
else if ( ColorNumber == 1 ) 
  Rectangle.Color = #FF0000FF; // red
else if ( ColorNumber == 2 ) 
  Rectangle.Color = #00FF00FF; // green
else if ( ColorNumber == 3 ) 
  Rectangle.Color = #0000FFFF; // blue
  Rectangle.Color = #FFFFFFFF; // white

Does this help?

Best regards,


This is a non-solution to me… What am I supposed to do if the user wants to click 250 times on the button ?!

In order to make good proposals it is always helpful to understand the entire use-case...

You can create your colors dynamically based on integers by using the color instant constructor.

Does this help?

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