in Getting started by

I am new to the Embeeded Wizard. I have read all the startup guides available on your website, thanks for the detailed step by step instructions btw. We are evaluating the product on the nxp 1050 eval board and i am trying to compile the project created by a colleague. i get a missing libraries error, the MCUExpresso is looking for 'ewgfx-m7-gcc' and 'ewrte-m7-gcc' in 'Platform Package' sub paths.

In those directories i see only source files. Am I supposed to be building those libs before hand from source ? I didn't see this mentioned anywhere in the beginers guides. Starting the .bat file does nothing really(i am mostly familar with Linux cmd line, not windows). Sorry for the basic question anyway. Thank you!


1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello K,

there is no need to build these libraries.

In case you are working with free evaluation version of Embedded Wizard or with the Small Business Edition, you will find precompiled libraries within the directories /PlatformPackage/RTE or /PlatformPackage/RGB565

In case you are working with the Professional Edition, you have received the source code of the Runtime Environment (RTE) and the Graphics Engine (GFX) - this should be copied into the corresponding /PlatformPackage directories. In this case you can directly use the source codes within your project - there is no need to create libraries.

Does this answer your question? If not, please let me know the version you are using (Free, Small Business or Professional).

Another idea: Before starting with the project from the colleage, try to get everything up-and-running by using the Getting Started with NXP i.MX RT1050 document.

Best regards,


Hey Manfred,

Thank you for your fast response ! We are both using the free edition for evaluation purposes. The MCUExpresso has those four paths declared in the linker:





both directories contain bunch of .h files and one .inc(the RTE actually has a C file), but no lib files at all.

The reason i wanted to try his project is that we eventually need this as standalone project, with our own directories structure, shared via .git, etc. So it could be easly shared, backed up and managed.

Regards, K

Hi K,

the RTE folder should contain the following files:

The Graphics Engine folder for RGBA8888 should contain these files:

Please check if you have the same content. Otherwise, please download the complete package as written in the metioned document.

Best regards,



Hi Manfred,

Thank you! I have exact same files in those directories, but libs are missing. Will check with my colleague.

Edit: Sorry, i understand the issue now. The .gitignore file causes this. My bad!

Great! Thanks for sharing the answer!

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