in GUI Development by

i am using ili9341 2.4 inch with esp32 and ofcourse using a free version 11.

if i use to design in transparent mode there is a reflection of image starting from mid to bottom.

if i use a filled rectangle it goes away please help in this manner.

1 Answer

+1 vote

what do you mean with "reflection of image"? Do you see a different content on the display compared to the Prototyper?

Maybe the update to the display does not work correctly and some old memory content is shown?

Can you upload some images? Then it will be easier to give you some recommendations.

Best regards,


Hello once more:

concerning the "image reflection": The provided example contains a semitransparent background - this means, the entire application is drawn over the framebuffer content that is already there... 

In case of ESP32, where we do not have a real framebuffer - only a small scratch-pad buffer - the drawing is done over the previous content of the memory.

Please put a filled rectangle into the background of your application class in order to have a defined background content:

Does the "image reflection" disappear now?


in context of Touch handler under or over dialogs,

Thanks and the answer is exact for the Root Cause, that's why i was

thinking why it is happning and as you have explaind properly and i understand now

Regarding image reflection in your last answer , i was able to somehow overcome the problem by

placing rectangle under the objects, but the problem was i wanted to know why this is happning.

Now i got the answer that its due to 0 framebuffer, so a small scratch memory area handling it.

Thanks and Best Regards to be with me in solving these things,

i am realy gratefull, i got the answers
Hi Manfred,

as i was working with EW and it started some strange behviour on data exchange betwwen


so i reinstalled the application and some chunk of my code stopped working.

for example " this.isCurrentDialog "

than i adopted the method of root object ( as you suggested in a previous post ) and it started working properly.

please suggest a good method to exchange data between dialogs.

Please open a new question as this does not belong to "Image Reflection".

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