in Embedded Wizard Studio by
In Extended virtual keyboard i tried to display the related characters on the top of the selected key.

But for the keys on the top row it is hiding the related characters.

Could you please help me out to solve this issue

1 Answer

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Hi Melvin,

the related characters group is owned by the keyboard group and therefore it can only be displayed within the bounds of the keyboard group. To change this you need to extend the bounds of the keyboard group. In detail the following steps are needed:

1. Adopt the height of ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardQWERTZ and arrange the buttons at all derived classes of this:

Increase the height at ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardAnimated and ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::Keyboard as well
and reposition the keyboard component inside your application

2. To ensure that the text editor does not get covered by the animated keyboard add the empty gap height on top of the Offset calculation inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardAnimated.onMoveEffect

3. Position the background of the related characters on height zero. Therefore change inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::RelatedCharacters.UpdateLayout():

Bg.Bounds.origin.y = 0;

4. Also the related characters button should now be played on top. To do this change inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::RelatedCharacters.GenerateButtons():

btn.Bounds.origin = point( i * btn.Bounds.w, 0 );

5. To position the related characters group above the pressed characters, adopt inside ExtendedVirtualKeyboard::KeyboardQWERTZ.onPressTouch the positioning like:

RelatedCharacters.Bounds.origin.y = RelatedCharacters.SourceButton.Bounds.y2 - 2 * RelatedCharacters.SourceButton.Bounds.h - 2;

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Thank you for the response.

Could you please share one sample code this keyboard?


Best Regards,


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