in GUI Development by

I use verticallist effects. I can change verticallist items with SliderTouchHandler. But I design UP and DOWN button and I want to change verticallist items this button with SimpleTouchHandler. Verticallist items not change . How can I succeed this ?

1 Answer

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please take look at the chapter Vertical List. In particular the section Implement keyboard navigation treats something similar. In your case, however, instead of handling keyboard events you handle the touch events from SimpleTouchHandler.

Hope it helps you.

Best regards


Thank you very much
Hi Paul,

One more question about vertical list. İf I want to change verticallist items automaticly every 5 seconds , how can ı do this ? I look at the Vertical list  chapter but I could not find .

Best regards


when the content of an item changes, you have to invalidate it. Accodingly, the list will refresh the item. See the section Force the list to reload items. To do this periodically you can use a timer object. If the number of items within the list changes see the section Specify the number of items within the list.

Best regards


Thanks for your help.

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