Hello Sazna,
if I understood your application case correctly, you will need to implement a kind of storage for all the values collected (measured) in the past. Exposing the recent value in Device Class and connecting it with an list item is not sufficient. Vertical List is not able to retain the values by itself. It is just a view to some data managed externally. Please recall the Vertical List OnLoadItem method which acts as the glue between the list and the data. The list uses this method to initialize (to load) the actually visible items. The content of the items however is not persistent. The list reloads, discards and reuses the items if necessary. For example, when the user scrolls the list back, then older values need to be reloaded.
In the simplest case you can implement such storage by using an array. An additional variable can act as counter of entries already occupied in the array. Each time a new measurement is made, the corresponding values are stored in the next free entry of the array and the counter is incremented. When the array is full you could continue writing the new entries from the beginning of the array (like a ring buffer). Or you stop the measurements. The exact behavior will surely depend on your application case. In any case, however, we have to consider that RAM is finite.
Then implement the OnLoadItem method so it uses the values stored in the array. When the Vertical List requests the item #N to be loaded, then load the item with data values stored in the array entry #N (or #N modulo capacity of the array if you implement a ring buffer).
Finally, when new data is stored in the array, inform the Vertical List about it. As long as new entries are added to the array, you increment the list's property NoOfItems. As soon as the array is full and you override older values with new values, the number of items does not change anymore. Only the content is exchanged. In such case invoke list's method InvalidateItems( 0, capacity of the array ) to force the list to reload all items.
I hope it answers your question.
Best regards
Paul Banach