in GUI Development by

I'm trying to create a class as  A, inside of which I've added one property as Core::Group type. I've created a object of this class A, and gave one value in the Core::Group property. I've created one more class as B, inside of which I've added one method, inside of the method I'm trying to call the SwitchToDialog method with the property value configured from the object class A. So How to call the SwitchToDialog method with the dialog screen.

1 Answer

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Hello Dinesh,

the SwitchToDialog() method is available in classes descending from Core::Group. Also important, the object in context of which you invoke SwitchToDalog() has to be part of the view tree. Otherwise the dialog remains invisible. Since I don't know your application case nor the inheritance of the classes A and B it is difficult to provide you more detailed help.

Best regards

Paul banach

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