in Embedded Wizard Studio by
To change the language later, I created a const string variable using the character table.
I want to save the value of a const string variable after changing it by key algorithm.
To do so, I think I need to save it as a variable value other than a const string.
However, it seems that the string table is not created like that, so what should I do?

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer


please be aware of the difference between a constant and a variable.

The excel sheet to manage your strings is generating string constants. If you want to modify a string during runtime, you have to use a string variable. You can initialize your string variable with the content of the string constant and depending on some user action you can change the content of the string variable. But you cannot change the content of a string constant - because it is constant.

Please have a look to: 

I hope this helps.
Best regards,
0 votes

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you try to achieve. Can you please explain your application case more in detail?

Best regards

Paul Banach


1. Store each text using "strings table"


Ex) TEST1 = "Hi" 


2. Modify the saved text value by pressing the keyboard 

Example) "Hi2" 


3. Modify the "value of strings table" 

Ex) TEST1 = "Hi2"

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