in Embedded Wizard Studio by
Our Embedded Wizard-Projekt is supposed to be shared between multiple users. In order to build for the target system, we need to export the generated files to a unix environment (using the WSL).
Our issue is, that everyone of us naturally has their own username and when we add a buildserver to the mix, the chaos is pretty much complete.

My question sums up to: How can we set Embedded Wizard to use a user dependent output path?

Creating a separate profile for every user is not applicable, since that'd bloat the project quite a bit and is a hassle to maintain.

I'd expect something like this to put into the field: `\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\$PathToProject\Application\GeneratedCode\Linux`

1 Answer

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Hello Refugnic,

How can we set Embedded Wizard to use a user dependent output path?

You application case would expect the usage of environment variables within the output path. Unfortunately we did not foresee such use case. What can you do instead?

Option 1: You could use multiple, equally configured Profiles. Each user in your team selects then the Profile which corresponds to him/her. Each Profile can be configured with a different output path.

Option 2: Configure the Profile to generate the code locally in users own file system. Then use the PostProcess functionality to copy/transfer the locally generated files to the desired location. PostProcess determines a batch job to perform at the end of the code generation.

I hope one of the options helps you further.

Best regards.

Paul Banach

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