in System Integration by
Hi Team,

I have GUI application which consists of four units. Within those units I have a separate unit named as Device to provide a device interface and I have pasted all the properties within four different device classes of Device unit. To run the GUI into hardware I want to adapt the driver files to the inline code member. My question is, shall I have a common inline code member for the entire project? If yes where I want to keep that inline code member? Or else Do I need to have inline code member for each of the units and paste the driver files everywhere? For the integration, we use keil IDE.



1 Answer

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Hello Sazna,

shall I have a common inline code member for the entire project? If yes where I want to keep that inline code member? Or else Do I need to have inline code member for each of the units and paste the driver files everywhere?

Inline Code members can exist within Units only. A common (project global (?)) Inline code members are not possible. Dupplicate the Inline Code members in each unit which contains code depending on the inline code.

I hope it helps you further.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Hi Paul,

Had the inline code member for each unit and now it works. Thank you.



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