in System Integration by
Hello All!

I am using an STM32H745 disco board and trying to create an Embedded Wizard project that uses FDCAN (in Classic mode). I am using STM32CubeIDE and have a working example of both my Embedded wizard project, and also an FDCAN example. The Embedded Wizard project is using the M4 core, however my FDCAN example is using both the M4 and the M7 cores. What is the best way to integrate these projects together? Ultimately, the UI project is the more complex project of the two, and there is not much happening in the FDCAN project other than reading/sending CAN data into an RX/TX buffer.

Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling to know the most efficient way to merge the 2 projects together as their formats are completely different. Does anybody have an Embedded Wizard project for an STM32 dual core MCU using FDCAN?

Look forward to your replies!

Kind Regards,


1 Answer

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Hi Jono,

in case that the GUI project is the more complex part (which is typically the case), let me recommend to start with the GUI project and integrate step by step the FDCAN part into yourGUI  project.

Maybe the example DeviceIntegration is helpful to understand the interaction between a GUI application and the underlying hardware (like GPIOs, ADC, CAN, I2C, SPI,...).

Additionally, let me recommend to use the F7 core for the GUI application in order to achieve the best performance for all screen updates and animations.

Best regards,
Hi Manfred,

Firstly thank you for your reply, you always endeavor to answer any question!

By F7, I'll assume you meant M7? I'm only new to dual core MCU's, but I see that Embedded Wizard builds for M4 by default on the STM32H745-disco. Is this easy to change to the M7? I can't seem to find how to compile EW for the M7 core. I do agree, this would be more preferable as I would prefer to use the M4 for other tasks and have the M7 for more powerful graphic animations.

Look forward to your reply. Kind regards,

Hi Jono,

yes, I meant the M7 core, sorry....

The projects that are provided within our Build Environment the STM32H745-Discovery Board are using the Cortex M7 core for the entire GUI application.

Best regards,


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