in GUI Development by


I'm implementing the nested sublayer menus, lets assume layer 1 menu (top level menu), layer 2 (sub layer - level 2 menu), layer 3 (Sub layer - level 3 menu) and so on. Here I am using the keypdad handlers for each sublayer menu with Focus paths to change the menu layers going forward.


Once I change the menu to layer 3 through layer 1 and perform some operation, now I want to go back to layer 2; but once I hit the back button, it directly goes to layer 1 (top level menu) instead of layer 2

Could you please guide me here how I can implement single back option instead of top level? If we can achieve this using focus path then it will be great, else if you have better approach to accomplish the mitigation over this issue then it is highly appreciated.


Gopichand Sonawane


1 Answer

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Hello Gopichand Sonawane,

hmmm ... based on the provided information and without knowing the implementation in your project, it is difficult to deduce what is wrong. For better understanding, can you provide an example demonstrating the behavior?

Usually, when presenting nested menus as dialogs (see Managing Dialogs), the underlying mechanisms should automatically take care of the right navigation in the menu system.

Best regards

Paul Banach


Hi Paul,

Thanks for responding!

I am developing GUI application which is having very straight forward requirement. We are having one top level menu which is having 4 numbers (1. Enter string 2. Display string 3. Edit string 4. Adjust brightness) to switch to next sub menu screen.

Once I hit 1 to "Enter string" it displays next sub layer menu screen (1. Enter Digits 2. Enter Alphabets). I entered 1 to jump in "Enter Digits" sub layer menu.

Consider above description is the current stage where my GUI application displaying ("Enter Digits"  screen component), now I want to go back just to the previous sub layer menu ("Enter String" screen Component); but as long as I hit backspace from the KeyPad it jumps to top level menu.


  • At every screen component including sub layer and top level are having their own keypad handler. At each stage I want to read input from externally interfaced keypad.
  • I have implemented the screen switching using Keyboard events and the focus path; but it doesn't work for single back. If I entered backspace it directly jumps to top level menu, not to the single step back screen. It is working fine with going forward.
  • I'm looking for guidance on same approach with Keyboard events and the focus path and one example. If you feel some better approach is available please suggest with example.

Best regards,

Gopichand Sonawane


Hello Gopichand Sonawane,

... now I want to go back just to the previous sub layer menu ("Enter String" screen Component); but as long as I hit backspace from the KeyPad it jumps to top level menu.

based on the provided information I'm not able to provide you a concrete hint. The implementation is still not clear for me. Maybe you can reduce the application to a simple example and upload it here for analysis purpose?

Best regards

Paul Banach

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