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I am using 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +'. As stated https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-raspi-3b?v=12.00 I should used OS ' Raspberry Pi OS Lite (legacy) Buster' and when I visit https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/#raspberry-pi-os-legacy ; there is nowhere i could find Buster OS. 

When i tried to install latest bullseye and bookworm OS versions; though display works but integrating with RasPi-3B folder not working and once it work it throws error for some driver is missing.

So could you please provide the link for the particular Buster OS version for Raspi-3B or which is compatible when integrating with build Environment for Raspi-3B? Also if I need to install some libraries/packages as nothing mentioned on https://doc.embedded-wizard.de/getting-started-raspi-3b?v=12.00 incompare to Raspi-4b.

Thank you and kind regards,



1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Sahili,

it seems that the Buster OS is no more listed in the Legacy section of the Raspberry PI OS download page. Now Bookworm is the current one and Bullseye is legacy....

Anyhow, you can get the Buster OS Lite from the archive: https://downloads.raspberrypi.com/raspios_oldstable_lite_armhf/images/raspios_oldstable_lite_armhf-2023-05-03/

This should be the last version of the Buster OS Lite 32bit.

I hope this helps...

Best regards,


Hello Manfred,

Thank you for providing Buster OS Lite Version.

But I am facing another problem while 'Mounting the Project Directory'

I followed the same steps described on your site. 

-- after creating 'share' directory and using sudo mount.cifs //192.168.178.xxx/RasPi-3B /home/pi/share/ -o user=<YourWindowsLogin> (with Ip address of my PC and login name and password); it throwing below error:-  (mount error(2): No such file or directory)

Though 'share' directory created and path mentioned correctly!


tried many times; still it remains same. 

Any input will help.

Thank you.

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