in GUI Development by

By default Core::Vertical_list is taking 1pixel gap from one item to next item.

Is there any way to override that one pixel gap, as our layout is different and we don't want one pixel gap between one item and the next item.


Thanks in advance,

Meenakshi Sundaram S R.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Meenakshi Sundaram,

there is no gap in Vertical List. The items are arranged closely one after the other. If you observe a gap, then review your implementation. Possibilities:

- the gap results from the design of your item component.

- the implementation of your OnLoadItem slot method does not correctly adjust the size of the item. See Implement the OnLoadItem slot method to load the items.

I hope it helps you to find the cause of the issue.

Best regards

Paul Banach



Hi Paul,

I have attached the image for reference. I am talking about the 1pixel gap two items. 

This has nothing to do with vertical list behavior ? 


Thank you,

Meenakshi Sundaram S R.


Hello Meenakshi Sundaram S R.

This has nothing to do with vertical list behavior ? 

The list does not add any gaps between items. Have you verified the implementation of the list item component and the implementation of the OnLoadItem slot method as recommended in my first answer?

Best regards


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