in GUI Development by

I'm using embedded wizard to receive data from two channels of an instrument. My current design has a 1s timer. The timer expire function will receive the data and display from each channels one after the other. But my project requirement is that both channel data must be displayed at the same time. Not one after the other. Is it possible with embedded wizard. If so, how can I update both display at the same time.?

1 Answer

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what do you mean with "one after the other"? In case that you change the values of two indicators in one slot method that is triggered by a timer, then both indicators will be updated at the same time.

Best regards,


Thank you for your response. I meant by "one after the other" is that in my slot method which is triggered by a timer, I update channel 1 display first then channel 2 display.  With naked eye we can see channel 1 display appears first and then channel 2 display appears. My question is that if I want to display both channel data at the same time do I need 2 slot methods or any other ways to do that?

Thank you

in this case you can use one slot method which is triggered by a timer. Within the slot method you can read channel 1 and channel 2 and update both displays. Then both displays will update at the same time with no delay between each other.

Best regards,

Thank you for your response. I use one timer which will expire and trigger the slot in every second. Now I want to measure the time how long it will take to update both channels. I used GetCurrentTime() function and traced the GetCurrentTime() value. I'm getting a number like this:
trace: 1542493946.

Is this the right way to measure the time? How to interpret this number?

Thank You

Let me refer to the documentation about GetCurrentTime(). The method 'GetCurrentTime()' returns the current time expressed in milliseconds.

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