in GUI Development by


 I'm beginner on embedded wizard and analysis the sample: STM32H750-Discovery\Examples\480x272\SmartThermostat 

 I try to understand the code but it is a little difficulty for me, I have following the question and can you explain it for me ?

 1.  What is the  data transmission mechanism  on update the Class TemperatureController 's property "NominalValue" to  DeviceClass's property "NominalTemp" ?

 2.  What is the difference on property int32 and ^int32 ?




3. Question3


 Also, It would been better If there are some documents explaining the implementation process of this program.





1 Answer

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Hi Martin,

I´m glad to hear you are getting familiar with Embedded Wizard! Generally, we recommend to start with the Quick tour tutorial to get familiar with the basic concepts. By following the steps and carefully reading the linked documentation you will learn how an Embedded Wizard user interface is created. Beside of that, did you also take a look at the STM32H750-Discovery\Examples\480x272\DeviceIntegration example? This one is dedicated to explain the data transmission mechanism.

Let me answer your questions:

1. & 2. An unit in Embedded Wizard can have so-called outlet properties which can be used to output a value to the parent instances. The class Thermostat::TemperatureController is implemented in the parent class Thermostat::Thermostat. There the variable Thermostat::Device.NominalTemp is attached to the outlet property. 


This means, whenever the property reference OutletNominal^ within Thermostat::TemperatureController is modified, the value is also set to the device class variable in the class Thermostat::Device

3. As mentioned in answer 2, an observer of the property outlet can be found in the class Thermostat::Thermostat. There the variable Thermostat::Device.NominalTemp is attached to the outlet property. 


By the way, in case you are looking for occurrences of a specific text, you can use the ‘Find in project …’ feature which shows you all places and specific text was found.


I hope this helps,

Kind regards,



Hi Tim,

    Thank you very much for your quickly replay.

    I get some progress by reading the online  document Working with Embedded Wizard.

    Just another question, does the embedded-wizard support chinese?

    if yes, could you share me some sample project?



Hi Martin,

Indeed, Embedded Wizard fully supports Chinese and Japanese characters. You can find an example of it in the example selection.

Please open the example by navigating to ‘Project -> Open example …


And then select the ‘StringTable’ example.


Moreover, please also take a look into this forum question. It might be useful as well.

Best regards,


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