in Embedded Wizard Studio by


While changing languages in Embedded Wizard,for some of the text boxes the content is not fitting the text box size.

So is there any generic way/internal function available in Embedded Wizard to show the extra letters as dots(...) instead of characters getting cropped ?

Example: Warn... instead of Warning

Best regards,

Arun Job.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Arun,

I think you want to truncate text with ellipsis - let me refer to our online documentation. I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Hi Manfred,

Thanks, the above documentation helped.

But we need our Text should be aligned in horizontal and vertical center.So if we enable ellipse the dots are coming on both sides of the text,but we need only at right end(if characters exceeds width of the box). How this can be achieved?



We observed if we select AlighHorzLeft and AlignVertCenter we will get  dots to the right. But at that time for text with characters within the textbox size, alignment is Left aligned.

But we need Central Aligned.



starting with Embedded Wizard version 12, the alignment option AlignHorzCenter can be combined with AlignHorzLeft or AlignHorzRight. Please see the documentation referenced by Manfred as well as the section referenced from this documentation Align the text within the Text view area.

In your case configure the Text view with both AlignHorzCenter and AlignHorzLeft being enabled.

Best regards

Paul Banach



I configured the Text view with both AlignHorzCenter and AlignHorzLeft being enabled.

When we align like this if text won't exceeds the width of text box.We are getting text alligned as AlignHorzCenter.

But if text exceeds the size dots are coming on both sides.

Is there any way to make dots only on right side only?

Please note: We using Embedded Wizard version 11 only.


the possibility to combine the left and center alignments is added in version 12. Older versions don't support it. I would recommend to update to version 12 or newer.

Best regards

Paul Banach

Thanks for the info

Best Regards,

Arun Job

Hi For the Attributed Text how can we apply ellipsis?


Attributed Text does not support ellipsis.

Best regards

Paul Banach

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