in System Integration by
Hi Team,

I have a graph component to update the live data. And I have added two simple touch handlers to implement the zoom function. On top of these touch handlers I have added a slide touch handler for sliding the graph. When Simulating The zoom and sliding function working fine. But when I flashed into NXP i.MX 1170- PXP only the sliding is working, for zooming, even the slot method didn't receiving the signal. Why I can't get the simple touch handler functionality when flashing?



1 Answer

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Hi Sazna,

are you using the official IMXRT1170-EVK from NXP or do you use your custom specific hardware using another touch driver?

In case you are using your own hardware, it is essential that the touch driver provides valid data. There are two macros in ewconfig.h that can be enabled to check the touch functionality:

EW_PRINT_TOUCH_DATA - This macro prints all touch data reported by the touch driver on the console. This is helpful to test and calibrate the touch device.

EW_PRINT_TOUCH_EVENTS - This macro prints all touch events that are provided to the GUI application. This macro is important for testing during development: Every touch cycle for each finger has to start with one DOWN event followed by 0...n MOVE events and it has to be finalized with one UP event. This sequence is essential and mandatory to provide touch events to the GUI application. When the sequence is incomplete, e.g. you forget to send an UP event, or you mix the finger numbers, the behavior may become unpredictable. 

Try as first to setup a correctly working touch functionality.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

Thank you for you response. We are using our own custom specific hardware. I will try out these setups and update you.


Thank You.

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