in Getting started by
Hi all,

I'm trying to integrate the code generated with Embedded Wizard (I'm using the Hello World Example) with my Atollic Truestudio Project. I followed this link (http://ask.embedded-wizard.de/637/atolic-truestudio) in order to configure the project but the linker give me the following errors. The libraries libewrte.a and libewgfx-eval.a have been correctly included and the linker can found them. Someone can suggest me something to do? It would be appreciated if someone can indicate me where to find information about the integration of Atollic Truestudio with the Embedded Wizard output. I'm using the STM32F7-Discovery board with the STM32F746 chip.

Thanks in advance,


Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
more undefined references to `EwPrint' follow    guiEx        line 0, external location: C:\path-to-application\guiEx\PlatformPackage\RGB565\GFX\libewgfx-eval.a(ewgfx.o)    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `__vmt_GraphicsCanvas'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 156    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 254    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 266    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 258    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__DriveKeyboardHitting'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 245    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__DriveKeyboardHitting'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 246    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__Initialize'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 223    C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `CoreRoot__UpdateGE20'    main.c    /guiEx/src    line 149    C/C++ Problem


....and more and more....

2 Answers

0 votes

it seems that you did not include the generated code into your project. In case of the gcc/make solution, these files are automatically included via the generated file ewfiles.inc. In your case, I assume that you have to add these C-files to your IDE,  in order to be compiled and linked.

In case of 'HelloWorld' example, the following files have to be added:

Application.c, Core.c, Effects.c, Graphics.c, Resources.c and Views.c
I never worked with Atollic Truestudio - so I can just assume something according the posted error messages. Maybe someone other can help here.

Nevertheless, did you try the following (some comments above):

Create a new C file, put a simple function into and call it from main.c. Then try to build the application. If this works and the linker find the function, try to figure out, what is the difference between this simple C file and Core.c.


for a while I prepared a STM32F746 evaluation project using Atollic True Studio.

You can find it at the link below.

Ther is also some generated code in the project. You can exchange it by your own in folder '/STM32F746-Discovery\Examples\Template\GeneratedCode'

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,



Thank you,

in any case I solved my problem that was related to some missing library and source file in the Atollic compiler configuration.


I was unable to compile and run the project that you attached mli, what is the correct way to link the STM32F7 folder to it, do I need to change something about the linker or compiler? Can somebody please upload a full project in trueStudio working with embedded wizard?

Thanks in advance

the project I attached expects the STM32Cube_FW_F7 package at folder:


Please modify this path in file '.cproject' and '.project' according to your STM32Cube_FW_F7 installation path

using test editor or the Atollic TrueSTUDIO IDE.

If you are using the latest STM32Cube_FW_F7 package, additionally you have to

exclude the folder STM32F723E-Discovery from the build.



0 votes


together with our new version 9.00 of Embedded Wizard Studio, we released new Build Environments for the different STM32 discovery and evalutaion boards.

Every Build Environment contains now a ready-to-use project for Atollic TrueSTUDIO.

Best regards,


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