in Getting started by
I like the embedded wizard approach very much. In our project we have stm32f407-discovery board with as display RA8875 (800x480)

Reading the getting started we are trying the Hello World example as first attempt with your tool


Do you perhaps have already the defined C and H files for this setup?

If not we can work according the instruction Work with your own display.

1 Answer

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all the available drivers are provided within the subdirctory /TargetSpecific/Drivers. Unfortunately, we do not have a driver for the RA8875 display.

If you are familiar with the RA8875 you can use one of the provided display drivers as template and implement the necessary control and data transfer commands. The complete access to the display driver is handled within the file ew_bsp_display.c. The necessary functions are only a few, but the important part is the configuraton and communication with the RA8875.

Best regards,

Hi Manfred,

Thank you for the quick reply. Too bad there is no driver (yet). We will write our own.

best regards


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