in Platform Packages by

Earlier our build system is in GCC and we used the GCC precompiled libraries from Platform Package provided by Embedded Wizard. At that time everything is working fine.

Now we have moved our build system to GHS Compiler but still taking the GCC precompiled libraries of Platform Package from Embedded Wizard. Now Vector Graphics(i.e. Fill Path and Arc Path) is not working with this setup. Apart from this Fill and Arc Path others are working with this build system.

Note : Color Format - RGB565 (i.e precompiled libraries of RGB565 and RTE is used from Platform Package).

Any way to solve this? Anything needs to be ensured in System level context from our side? Anything needs to enabled from our side for the same?

Best Regards,

Preethi Somasundaram,

Bosch India

1 Answer

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Hi Preethi,

there are other discussions about usage of GHS compiler (see here and here) - and it seems that Vector Graphics does not work in case that GCC libraries are used with GHS compiler.

As mentioned we have not verified GHS compiler. Do you have any confirmation from GHS that GCC libraries can be used without facing any issues?

In case that Vector Graphics does not work (without reporting any error messages on the console window) I assume that the stack alignment or the stack size or the FPU settings are not matching.

The only thing I can recommend is the usage of the source code (which is provided with the Professional License) instead of GCC libraries.

Best regards,

Manfred Schweyer.

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