Hello MaryStorer,
following would be the possible steps:
1. Create a component containing the Vertical List and the instance of the Text Editor component.
2. Add a slot method to the component.
3. Modify the Text Editor's property OnChange so it refers the slot method from the step 2.
4. In the slot method (step 2) implement code to filter the array items which do match the text entered in the Editor. The results matching the filter pattern should be stored in a separate array. For example:
var string filter = TextEditor.String;
var int32 i;
var int32 j;
// Search for entries matching the filter
for ( i = 0; i < Original_Array_Size; i++ )
if ( Original_Array[i].find( filter, 0 ) >= 0 )
Filtered_Array[j++] = Original_Array[i];
// Inform the list about its changed size
VerticalList.NoOfItems = j;
VerticalList.InvalidateItems( 0, j );
5. In the OnLoadItem slot method associated to the Vertical List use the entries from the filtered array.
I hope it helps you further.
Best regards
Paul Banach