in System Integration by
How can I run the GUI automatically when booting Raspberry?

I have already tried it with /etc/rc.local, unfortunately no success.

2 Answers

0 votes


so far I think the simplest way to achieve an autostart of an application is to adapt the /etc/rc.local file...

Did you transfer the binary? Do you get an error messages?

Maybe some Raspberry Pi forums can give you better support concerning this question as this is more related to Raspberry Pi rather than GUI development with Embedded Wizard.

Best regards,

Jun 14 08:00:55 SFA systemd[1]: Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...
Jun 14 08:01:01 SFA sudo[1518]:     root : PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/home/pi/RasPi-CM4/Application/Project/EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
Jun 14 08:01:01 SFA sudo[1518]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)
Jun 14 08:01:03 SFA rc.local[1528]: error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
Jun 14 08:01:04 SFA sudo[1518]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 14 08:01:04 SFA rc.local[726]: Segmentation fault
Jun 14 08:01:04 SFA systemd[1]: rc-local.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=139/n/a
Jun 14 08:01:04 SFA systemd[1]: rc-local.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 14 08:01:04 SFA systemd[1]: Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility.
Is /home/pi/RasPi-CM4/Application/Project/EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4 your mounted directory or a local directory?

Try to copy the binary to the file system of your Raspberry Pi target, then reboot your system, connect via SSH and try to start the binary manually. Does this work?
This is the local path on the Rasp Pi.
I always copy all the required files to the Rasp Pi and run "make". The application is successfully executed manually.
Unfortunately not over /etc/rc.local
Can you execute the binary manually as regular user without sudo? I assume you will get the same message "error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment."
I use "pigpio" from the "DeviceDriver.c".
Unfortunately it doesn't work without "sudo".

2023-06-14 11:05:46 i2cOpen: pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()
2023-06-14 11:05:46 i2cReadByte: pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()
2023-06-14 11:05:46 i2cClose: pigpio uninitialised, call gpioInitialise()
By setting the following permissions, I can also run without sudo, but unfortunately not via /etc/rc.local as usual

sudo chown root:root EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4

sudo chmod 4755 EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
I've also tried it with "systemd", unfortunately without success.


Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Initialize Display...                        [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Initialize Touch Driver...                   [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Initialize Memory Manager...                 [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Initialize Graphics Engine...                [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Create Embedded Wizard Root Object...        [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Create Embedded Wizard Viewport...           [OK]
Jun 14 11:48:45 SFA EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4[1521]: Error in opening file
Jun 14 11:48:46 SFA systemd[1]: ensure-file-exists.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Jun 14 11:48:46 SFA systemd[1]: ensure-file-exists.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Difficult to say....

On other Linux targets it is necessary to define the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and a few other environment variables.

Can you try to start the binary with

XDG_SESSION_ID=c2 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=/run/wayland-0 ./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4


XDG_SESSION_ID=c2 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1  ./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
If I copy the "EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4" file to "/home/pi" and run it with "./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4", I get the following error:

pi@SFA:~ $ ./EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4
Using drm device node '/dev/dri/card1'!
Available display interface(s):
DSI_0 (selected)
Display interface 'DSI_0' detected.

Available output modes:
  800 x  480 @ 60Hz (pixel clock:   25979kHz) (preferred mode)
Selected display mode: 800x480@60Hz (pixel clock: 25979kHz)
(Preferred display mode requested)

Initialize Display...                        [OK]
Initialize Touch Driver...                   [OK]
Initialize Memory Manager...                 [OK]
Initialize Graphics Engine...                [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Root Object...        [OK]
Create Embedded Wizard Viewport...           [OK]
Error in opening file
Segmentation fault
Now I have another problem.
before it was always "error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment". This is only set when a user is logged into a session.
I turned on "Autologin" in "raspi-config" and added the following to "~/.bashrc":
"cd /home/pi/RasPi-CM4/Application/Project"
Now the file will run without the "Error in opening file" error.

Unfortunately, the following comes up: Initialize Display... [failed]

I already forwarded this question to one of my colleagues who is more familiar with this topic. He is out of office this week. I hope that we can find some helpful answer next week.

Best regards,

0 votes

Hi AlexanderMaron,

I just tried with latest RasPi-CM4-BuildEnvironment V12.00.01.00 and I could realise auto-starting an Embedded Wizard application using systemd as follows.

  1. copying application binary 'EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4' to folder /home/pi (for example)
  2. adding file '/lib/systemd/system/ewdemo.service' with following content:
    Description=Autostart Embedded Wizard Demo
  3. adapting permissions of '/lib/systemd/system/ewdemo.service'
    chown root:root /lib/systemd/system/ewdemo.service
    chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/ewdemo.service
  4. adding following symbolic link:
    cd /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants
    ln -s /lib/systemd/system/ewdemo.service ewdemo.service
The added ewdemo.service can be testet with following command:
systemctl start ewdemo.service

After rebooting 'EmbeddedWizard-RasPi-CM4' should start automatically.
During my tests I used a HDMI display on HDMI0 connector. 
Which display / display connector are you using?

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and further XDG environment variables are defined as long as you are logged in as normal user. As soon as you change to root user these environment variables are no longer available and would have to be set manually or via '.bashrc' for example. However, in our case XDG_RUNTIME_DIR seems not really to be needed.

Please let me know, if this solution is also working on your environment.

Kind Regards,

I get the error message from the following picture

Are you using one of the unchanged provided Examples of the Embedded Wizard BuildEnvironment or are you using your own application?
I'm asking regarding the message "Error in opening file" since no files are opend in the provided examples.
I have my own project in which I call config.txt, for example.
And is it working with one of the examples?

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