Hi All,
There is a strange behaviour that we see with Studio 12.01 and our project and I wanted to run it by you.
The project has support for Chinese language and we are using Noto Sans SC Regular for this and Roboto for all other languages. All developers must install the same fonts to the Windows PC in order to be able to generate code. There are a large number of glyphs included from the Chinese font for the range 0x3000-0x303F,0x4E00-0x9FA5. This setup has worked well for quite a while.
However, since the EW12 update we frequently see font resources changing and showing up with differences even though there were no actual font changes in the project source files, studio version or the installed fonts. It can even occur with the same developer on the same PC at different times. The differences are always in the glyph definitions and pixel data.

It does not seem to cause any actual issue with the UI text display as far as we can tell, but it is kind of annoying since we cannot explain why it is happening.
Do you have any idea about how we can avoid or resolve this?