My project support 5 finger interact on the screen at the same time.
At the panel have too many button which component use a simpleTouchHandler control ViewImage show.
S1. First the ViewImage show a gray picture,
S2.Then simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch, the ViewImage show a yellow picture,after the finger release the ViewImage keep yellow picture,
S3. when simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch again,the ViewImage go back show gray picture, and keep it after the finger release
S4. when simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch 3th time, the ViewImage show a yellow picture, and keep it after the finger release
I find a problem when 3 finger press 3 button at the same time:
1. 3 finger press 3 button at the same time
2. 2 finger hold press the 2 button and don't move, 1 finger repetitive this process: Press button -> release button -> Press button -> release button
On the press_release process, the 2 hold press button sometimes change the show picture .
We hope when the button touch state(press or release) not change, the show picture can't change.
Which is the reason that the 2 hold press button sometimes change the show picture? How to resolve this problem?