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      My project support 5 finger interact on the screen at the same time.

      At the panel have too many button which component use a simpleTouchHandler control ViewImage show.

             S1. First the ViewImage show a gray picture,

             S2.Then simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch,  the ViewImage show a yellow picture,after the finger release the ViewImage keep yellow picture,

             S3. when simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch again,the ViewImage go back show  gray picture, and keep it after the finger release

             S4. when simpleTouchHandler(NoOfFinger = 1) check finger touch 3th time, the ViewImage show a yellow picture, and keep it after the finger release

      I find a problem when 3 finger press 3 button at the same time:

             1.   3 finger press 3 button at the same time

             2.   2 finger hold press the 2 button and don't move, 1 finger repetitive this process: Press button -> release button -> Press button -> release button

             On the press_release process, the 2 hold press button sometimes change the show picture .  

             We hope when the button touch state(press or release) not change, the show picture can't change.

     Which is the reason that the 2 hold press button sometimes change the show picture? How to resolve this problem?

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello ke007,

to be honest, I don't understand the description. Could you please upload an example project demonstrating the application case? Please keep the example project as simple as possible limiting to contain only members relevant for the application case.

Best regards

Paul Banach



Like the video show,when finger touch the button, the button will change the show state ( white or black). the button's touch area (simpleTouchHandler) have the same size with the black/white picture

when 2 finger press 2 button and hold press state,then the third finger Press/Release the third button.

On press/release change processing, the first and second button change it's show state。


0 votes
Hello ke007,

I have seen that you have several questions regarding issues with multi-touch.

Is it correct, that the multi-touch issues happen only on the target? Or can you reproduce the issues within Embedded Wizard Studio in the Prototyper?

This is essential to know in order to provide further support!

In case that the issue happens only on the target, we have to search for errors within the touch driver integration - in case the error happens also in the Prototyper, we have to search in the GUI implementation.

Best regards,


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